II, Book 1, Chapter 9: A Weapon of the Elder Days instance, while the first Legendary Class Item (or the second weapon, for Hunters and Wardens) will be acquired by completing the Vol II, Book 1, Chapter 13: Khazad-dûm at Last! instance. The first Legendary Weapon will be acquired by completing the Vol. Legendary Items are introduced during Vol. Bridles of Legend have not been introduced with Update 30.3, and are not planned to be introduced in the near future. LoTRO has a mounted combat feature involving Legendary Items called Bridles. Each character may equip 2 Legendary Items: a weapon and a class-specific item.
Legendary Items (LIs) become more powerful together with the player character through Reforging. Legendary Items can be improved with Enhancements and Traceries, that are rewarded throughout LoTRO. Legendary Items are class-specific, equippable items that can be customized to suit the player's combat style, as opposed to standard weapons and equipment that have unchangeable statistic bonuses.